per month
Onboard Process including Power Testing via ZWIFT
TrainingPeaks Basic Account Set up
Annual Training Plan designed towards peaking for you’re ‘A’ race.
A weekly training plan built around you, your life and work diary
Accurate Measured Performance methodology
DEVICE READY structured sessions
Weekly adjustments to training plan
Weekly contact by via TrainingPeaks
General race day advice on nutrition, strategy and equipment
Monthly catch up call on request by athlete

per month
Most Popular
Onboard Process including Power (Bike & Run), Run Threshold and Swim CSS Testing
TrainingPeaks Premium account set up
Annual Training Plan designed towards peaking for you’re ‘A’ whilst considering ‘B’ & ‘C’ races
Bespoke weekly training plan built around you, your life and work diary
Accurate Measured Performance methodology
DEVICE READY structured sessions
Daily adjustments to training plan
Daily TrainingPeaks response as required
Detailed race day advice on nutrition, strategy and equipment
Periodised Strength & Conditioning Plan
Fortnightly catch up call/ZOOM chat as required
10% OFF AMP Race clothing

per month
Plan to Peak
TrainingPeaks Basic account set up
Annual Training Plan designed towards peaking for you’re ‘A’ Race.
A monthly training plan built around you, your life and work diary
Accurate Measured Performance methodology
Weekly adjustments to training plan
Weekly contact via TrainingPeaks
General and race day advice on nutrition and strategy
Monthly catch up call as requested by athlete

per month
Most Popular
TrainingPeaks Premium account set up
Annual Training Plan designed towards peaking for you’re ‘A’ considering your ‘B’ and ‘C’ races.
Bespoke weekly training plan built around you, your life and work diary
Accurate Measured Performance methodology
Daily adjustments to training plan
UNLIMITED DAILY contact by phone, email, WhatsApp, and TrainingPeaks
INDIVIDUAL race day advice on nutrition, strategy and equipment
Periodised Strength & Conditioning Plan
Weekly catch up call/ZOOM Chat as required
Daily HRV trending tracking (If used)
25% OFF AMP Race Clothing